Taziker News
Keep up to date with the latest news from Taziker and hear more about our projects and people.

Taziker Industrial supports HS2 Contractors
Contractors from around the globe converged on Manchester Central to hear speakers including Secreta...

This week Taziker Industrial (TI) staff based on the River Nene Bridge refurbishment project downed ...

Taziker Industrial announce restructure
Taziker Industrial (TI) today announced a restructure, with various staff taking new roles and respo...

Taziker Industrial welcome new Financial Director
Taziker Industrial (TI) are pleased to welcome our new Group Financial Director, Paolo Benedetto.

Network Rail CP5 Framework Win
Taziker Industrial (TI) are proud to announce that after a lengthy pre-qualification and tender proc...

Taziker Industrial (TI) recently took part in a charity football tournament in memory of Huw Jenkins...

As Taziker Industrial (TI) celebrate our 20th anniversary of trading, it is fitting that we return t...

In April 2013, Network Rail awarded BAM Nuttall £295m worth of work in the Borders region of Scotla...

Taziker Industrial (TI) are pleased to announce that as of today, all of our fabricated steelwork wi...

New Network Rail Boss visits Royal Albert Bridge
Mark Carne, Network Rail’s newly appointed Chief Executive, came to visit Taziker Industrial at th...