Modern Day Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy


Slavery and human trafficking is recognised by the Board of Directors, Management, employees and operatives within our business as a hidden blight on society. We all have a responsibly to be alert to the risks of slavery and human trafficking within our organisation, and within our own and the wider supply chain.

Supply Chain

Our suppliers are principally related to the provision of goods, and associated services such as access scaffolding, outsourced design services, civil engineering sub-contracted services, legal services and banking, plant and equipment hire, vehicle servicing and administration, IT equipment, materials associated with steel fabrication and strengthening, FRP, industrial cleaning products, painting and coating providers together with services associated with the arrangements for the health, safety & wellbeing of our employees.

Our Commitment

Taziker is committed to transparency within our business practices, to ensure that there is no evidence of any act of modern-day slavery or human trafficking within the organisation.

Taziker is further committed to as far as is reasonably practical, ensuring that there is no modern-day slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain.

In line with the Modern-Day Slavery Act 2015, Taziker implemented its first Modern-Day Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.  This Policy is reviewed annually to ensure that it remains suitable and fit for purpose and is published on our website

The Policy forms part of a suite of transparent policies, which include:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Policy o Equal Opportunities Policy o Diversity & Inclusion Policy o Whistleblowing Policy
  • All new employees are subject to pre-employment checks to ensure their right to work in the UK, and to confirm their identity.
  • Taziker has adopted the Zero Tolerance approach to modern day slavery and human trafficking and will not knowingly support or deal with any business, supplier or organisation confirmed to have been involved in slavery or human trafficking activities.              
  • Taziker has committed to promptly and thoroughly investigate any claims or indications that a supplier of goods or services to the business is engaging in human trafficking or slave labour or is otherwise not complying with the requirements of its policy.
  • Taziker annually reviews its supplier approval process, to incorporate a review of the controls undertaken by suppliers of goods and services to ensure they reflect these principles in their policies.
  • Training - To ensure that our employees are aware of the requirements of our commitment and policy, Taziker intends to provide training and awareness as appropriate throughout the coming year.
  • Supply Chain – All suppliers to our business are required to confirm that there is no evidence of any act of modern-day slavery or human trafficking within their organisation, or that of their own supply chain.
  • The Employee Services department has retrospectively checked that all Taziker employees, including those that have been TUPE’d (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment) into the company, have the right to work in the UK, and to confirm their identity.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors and is reviewed annually.

Neil Harrison - Managing Director
10th October 2024