Corporate Social Responsibility
We are committed to fulfilling our social responsibility, encouraging sustainable economic development while improving the quality of life of our employees and contractors as well as contributing to the communities we work in.
View ESG Annual Review 2022/2023
Health and Safety
At Taziker the most important aspect of our work is protecting everybody involved in our projects. This means our own employees, our clients, and members of the public.
We can only do this with the full support of our workforce. We are renowned for our approach to the management of safety; this is reflected in our health and safety performance. Our excellent health and safety record is achieved through:
- Pro-active engagement of our people
- Training, presentations and workshops
- Safety campaigns
- Auditing and senior management safety tours
- Work-safe system
- Fair Culture

We believe that sustainability is only achieved when the economic, social and environmental aspects of our operations are in balance. We are passionate about what we do, and we are committed to developing our people, the communities we work within, and protecting the environment that surrounds us. We believe embedding sustainability within our company ethos is the right thing to do. Our roadmap for achieving sustainable growth within our operations will ensure that we operate as a responsible and successful long-term business.
Successes Include:
- Our work with Action for Children has seen us take on nine apprentices since 2019. Action for Children are a foundation whose mission is to protect and support children and young people, providing them with practical and emotional care and support.
- In partnership with The Prince’s Trust, we have joined the government Kickstart Scheme, which will allow us to create new job placements for 16 to 24 year olds who are on Universal Credit and at risk of long term unemployment.
- During our project at Bristol Temple Meads, we have donated to the TAP for Bristol initiative to support homelessness prevention in the area. Over the duration of the project, Taziker will be supporting the Bristol area with schemes such as using locally sourced materials and suppliers; employing locally; recruiting apprentices; and working on charity initiatives.
- Star Award and Platinum Badger – for Environment and Safety performance and excellence in Environmental Risk Management
- £20,334 donated to local charities as part of our initiative to donate £500 per worksite on the CP5 Framework
- Support for local community projects – such as sponsoring the Finnart 2005’s and Cambuslang Football Academy 2007’s football teams in Scotland.
We recognise that the health and wellbeing of all our people is critical to the long-term success of our business; and given the challenging environments in which we work, it’s simply the right thing to do, including:
- Annual medicals
- Six-monthly interim assessments
- One-to-one consultations with our appointed doctors
- Mental Health first aiders working on all projects and all offices
- Employee Assistance Programmes including counselling services
- Exposure monitoring programme
- Continuous training and development

Sustainable Development
The current state of climate emergency has led the UK government to implement a new law which will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.
We are committed to making environmentally conscious changes to our business now to help alleviate the threat of climate change in the future.
Carbon Emissions
We have a Carbon Reduction strategy that puts the planet first. We aim to reduce carbon emissions through compliance with government policy and legislation on climate change. We have invested in new technologies that reduce waste and save on fuel consumption. Across the business, our engineering and environment teams work tirelessly to design and develop innovative solutions to reduce our carbon outputs and establish offsetting strategies to meet carbon zero targets by 2050.
Our ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) strategy sets out the parameters for monitoring our performance in becoming carbon net zero by 2050. We are investing in the future, making our fleet of vehicles 100% electric, using green and renewable energy, replacing diesel with biofuels, and improving biodiversity on our sites and in the communities where we work. We are working collaboratively with our supply chain to share information, identify reduction opportunities and set KPI’s for carbon performance, to ensure that we achieve our commitments to reducing CO2 emissions.
In January 2021, we completed our most recent Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions report enabling us to identify and implement a range of KPI’s that establish the parameters for reducing our CO2 output year on year to enable us to achieve net zero by 2050.
Reduction Technologies
- Solartainer Generators – this technology integrates renewable solar power with a diesel powered backup generator when the solar battery is depleted. The installation of these systems helps us to reduce our diesel consumption and CO2 emissions. On our Manea project, using a standard diesel driven 45KvA generator we would have emitted 90 tonnes of CO2 during the first two months, this technology has enabled us to reduce this by 89%.
- Solar powered and hybrid CCTV – We have been using environmentally friendly CCTV provided by Red CCTV since 2012, we were their first client and have used their service on a total of 67 of our sites.
- Transport – We encourage the use of hybrid and electric vehicles, offering free charging facilities at our head office. In September, 2020, we expanded our fleet with the addition of six new ultra-low emissions vans.
- HVO Fuels - We have prioritised the use of HVO fuel over standard red diesel due to its fossil free, 100% renewable nature. This green diesel offers an efficient and effective solution which reduces greenhouse gas CO2 emissions by approximately 90%.
We implement the Waste Hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle, recover) on all of our projects to ensure effective and mindful waste disposal routes are selected. This allows us to work towards a Circular Economy Approach (CEA) utilising resources and materials efficiently, designing out waste and keeping products and materials in use to reduce our demand on new limited raw resources.